Three Dads, Pioneering child passenger safety.
We’ve been friends since high school, and have stood side by side while we grew from (allegedly) irritating teenagers to responsible adults. In the last seven years, we’ve each had children, and this role of fatherhood has proven the most challenging. We’ve known the extreme effects of sleep deprivation, and felt the surge of love as they fall asleep drooling on our chests. We’ve each felt the joy and burden of raising children, the overwhelming need to keep them safe and protected.
It was during one of our discussions around things we should be terrified might happen to our kids that we came up with the idea for Clever Elly™. We were all heavily invested into our respective jobs, but felt that this was too important to wait. We’ve been working on this project since that night, and we can’t wait to see Clever Elly™ in cars across the world, preventing tragedy.